See for a quick and easy way to re-use a cereal box and make a useful journal from it: Cereal Box Journal
vrijdag 30 april 2010
woensdag 28 april 2010
zondag 25 april 2010
donderdag 22 april 2010
dinsdag 20 april 2010
maandag 19 april 2010
origami club
site with enormous amount examples of origami. easy to make with fold plans and film
how to make your origami. (also with printable papers!)
zaterdag 17 april 2010
vrijdag 16 april 2010
woensdag 14 april 2010
zondag 11 april 2010
zaterdag 10 april 2010
donderdag 8 april 2010
maandag 5 april 2010
zondag 4 april 2010
donderdag 1 april 2010
Envelope Bunnies
1. Seal the flap of an envelope, and draw bunny ears on the sealed side, as shown below. You can draw your own or use our bunny ear template.
3. Flip the envelope over; what was the side of the envelopebecomes the bottom of your treat holder.
4. Cut pink construction paper to make eyes and insides of ears, and glue them on the front of the envelope. Use colored pencil for mouth; glue on a pom-pom nose. Fill with yummy Easter sweets.